Bespoke online C.R.M Development for
Direct Sales Organisations.
About our Services
Working in Direct Sales Organisations for many years, and in different roles and levels of management, has given us an invaluable advantage in the development of bespoke CRM's. Building on this experience we then develop our systems using our small but innovative programming team, based in the Scottish Borders.
This experience ensures that we can see any issues, problems and bottlenecks from different points of view. You never know the actuality of sitting with a customer at 8pm on a Wet Wednesday in November unless you've been there yourself. Equally it's just as frustrating for a Sales Manager to not receive the required Appointment Result Information at the required time. Looking at the issues from all angles with a sympathetic mind is an important attribute when defining a workflow.
Partnering this experience with many years in software and system deveopment gives us a unique edge in this specialist environment.
We develop the CRM using the latest Cloud Based Tools, ensuring that your System & Data is secure and safe, but accessible from anywhere instantly. Secure logon screens ensure that only the right people access the right information in the right way.
We are also experts in linking systems together. Using api technology, we often create direct links from, for example, lead suppliers, directly into our CRM, and also offer this as a service to clients.
If you want to know more about our Data Security and Systems just click the button here